What if a major Canadian Telecom Network Provider Gets Hacked?

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What if a cyberattack caused an outage with a major telecom provider?

Wednesday, July 27, 2022
By Simon Kadota

DNSnetworks provides state of the art managed cybersecurity solutions for businesses across Ottawa

Cyberattacks are one of the biggest threats to our infrastructure, yet it’s easier than ever for hackers to target and penetrate critical systems. This includes a cyberattack on telecom infrastructures as well which we all depend on a daily basis. That’s why we need to be prepared for the worst-case scenario where an attack on a vital system could cause catastrophic damage. In this article, we’ll explore what would happen if hackers were able to take over the operations of a telecommunications provider—and, more importantly, what can be done about it.

What if a cyberattack causes a major telecom network outage?

If you use a smart device like a Fitbit or smartwatch, you may have noticed that your device is only as good as the company that makes it. If this company gets hacked, your data is vulnerable and could be exposed to cybercriminals.

A cyberattack can cause major outages for large companies and organizations with physical infrastructure connected online, such as utilities and telecommunications providers. A cyberattack could also target these businesses’ proprietary information stores, such as their databases of customers’ credit card numbers or personal information.

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A common example is an employee’s computer getting infected by a virus or malware from a hacker who has gained access to their system through phishing emails or other means of trickery designed specifically to get inside someone’s machine so they can steal data from them (or worse). Once this happens, it creates an opening for more attacks that could lead all the way up through whatever network infrastructure exists within those businesses until they reach critical systems—like power plants—that rely heavily on technology-based solutions across various departments when interacting with one another day-to-day operations tasks.”

Current state of connectivity, IoT, smart devices, wearable

The Internet of Things (IoT) has now become a part of our lives and homes, but with that comes great risk. IoT presents us with a huge opportunity for innovation and advancement, but also poses new risks that weren’t seen before we all started getting connected to everything around us – including our personal spaces such as homes, cars and even wearable devices like Fitbit or Apple WatchesThe state of connectivity is a challenge to your company.

The risk associated with IoT devices has led many companies to take action by forming partnerships with third-party security providers who can help them identify vulnerabilities in their networks as well as develop strategies for mitigating those risks before attack occurs.

Ease some of the burden of keeping your business safe in a digital world with DNSnetworks Managed Cybersecurity Services.

The rapid evolution of technology is also giving hackers many new opportunities to penetrate cyber vulnerabilities.

Rapid evolution of technology is also giving hackers many new opportunities to penetrate through cyber vulnerabilities. We have seen a rapid increase in the number and severity of cyberattacks over the last few years. As we learn more about how our digital systems work, it becomes easier for hackers to find new ways to attack them. And this is only going to get worse as more devices are connected online (like your car or home appliances), creating even more opportunities for people with malicious intent to exploit them.

Cybersecurity as a national security issue

Cybersecurity is a national security issue. Cyber attacks are more than just an inconvenience; they can be used to disrupt critical infrastructure, steal sensitive information and disrupt elections. The risk for cyberattacks is not limited to the personal computer or device in your pocket—they pose a threat to the nuclear reactors, pipelines, financial institutions and other key components of our national infrastructure.

What is a cyberattack?

A cyberattack is a type of security breach that occurs when an attacker gains unauthorized access to information systems. In other words, it’s when someone breaks into your computer network for malicious purposes. Cyberattacks can be targeted at individuals, companies, or entire countries and they come in many different forms:

Malware (malicious software)

This is software designed to infiltrate your computer without you knowing it. Malware may cause problems like slowing down your computer or deleting files on the device you use. However, malware can also be used as an entry point into larger networks where data can be stolen or manipulated by an attacker.


Ransomware locks down files on your device until you pay money to the attackers in order to unlock them again—and continue using them normally.

Hacking/Data breaches

These refer to any unauthorized intrusion into sensitive data stored within enterprise IT systems (e-commerce sites) as well as government agencies such as NSA & CIA etc., including theft and distribution of sensitive information such as medical records from hospitals etc..

A Cyberattack on major telecom companies is a real threat.

Cyberattacks on major telecommunications companies are a real threat that should be taken seriously. Cyber attacks are becoming more frequent, more sophisticated, and more damaging. They’re also becoming more expensive to defend against and require greater coordination when an attack does occur. And they are now global in scale—hackers can launch attacks from anywhere in the world as long as they have access to the Internet or an infected device.

All of this means cyberattacks are becoming more dangerous for everyone who uses technology every day, whether it’s your personal laptop at home or your work computer in an office building somewhere else in the world that’s connected to an international network through fiber optic cables running under oceans or underground pipes carrying data back and forth between cities thousands of miles apart.

You need a partner that understands how vulnerabilities can impact your customers, employees and partners. Be ready for any cyberattack or hack.

Telecom networks are a gateway to your business assets and resources

What if a cyberattack on a telecom provider caused 10,000 businesses to lose access to their systems? What if the same attack caused 100,000 customers of those businesses to lose service? What if that same attack also affected a major government agency? How could this impact our nation’s military operations?

Let’s say you own and operate an event venue in New York City. You host conferences and concerts with thousands of attendees each month. Imagine if one day you receive emails from all your clients saying they can no longer access their ticketing system because they have been locked out by an attacker who has taken over the network at Rogers. If Rogers is down, there are many other companies that rely on it for internet connectivity—and these companies have millions of users around the world who depend on them every day for services like making phone calls or paying bills online.

What if this happened not just once in your city but nationwide? For example, what if another telecommunications provider experienced similar problems after being hit by a major cyberattack less than 24 hours earlier…and then again two days later…and again four days later? And what about future attacks after that point—how would each additional incident affect everyone else who relies upon those networks for business continuity and security online?

How is your cybersecurity posture? Are you ready to handle the most damaging cyberattacks?

Cyberattacks are on the rise. As the threat of cyberattack has increased, so too have the number of attacks and their frequency. The most damaging cyberattacks can cause significant damage to your brand, your customer relationships and even your livelihood.

You need a cybersecurity plan that includes both prevention and detection capabilities. If you don’t have this in place, then you’re vulnerable to being attacked—and no one wants that!

Many organizations are caught off guard when they get hit with a cyberattack. They don’t have the tools or knowledge to detect and respond quickly enough.

There are many ways that you can improve your cybersecurity posture. You need to understand how cyberattacks work, and then build a strong program based on that knowledge. By doing so, you’ll know what to do before, during and after an attack.

Cyberattacks are becoming more damaging. In the past, hackers would just steal data. But now they’re going after other parts of your business: customer information such as credit card numbers and social security numbers; intellectual property like trade secrets or patents; even physical assets like servers or computers.

Protecting information and data against cyberattacks, hackers, viruses, and other cyber threats can be a real headache- but it does not have to be.

Protecting Your Data

If you use the services of a major telecom provider, your data is likely to be stored on their servers. This means that if the company gets hacked, there’s a chance your personal information may be leaked. Ensure your data is safe before a cyber attack on a telecom provider occurs!

The best way to protect yourself against this is by encrypting your data and using strong passwords. Encryption software scrambles up all of your files so they can only be read by someone with the key (which is usually you).

As the world becomes increasingly dependent on digital services and networks, cyberattacks are a growing threat. If a cyberattack were to cause damage to a major telecom provider like Rogers or Bell, it could take days or weeks for internet service to be restored. In the meantime, all local businesses would suffer as their customers couldn’t check email or access their bank accounts.

DNSnetworks understands how vulnerabilities can impact your business operations

How To Keep Your Data Safe

If you want your data to remain safe in an emergency situation like this one where phone lines are down and cell towers have been destroyed by sophisticated hacking attacks, we recommend doing all of the following:

Use a VPN

A virtual private network (VPN) encrypts all of the traffic between devices connected to it and essentially creates an impenetrable tunnel for internet traffic through which hackers cannot see what’s happening inside. When used properly, VPNs will make sure that no one can intercept or steal any sensitive information from you as long as they aren’t already on your local network! You should definitely consider getting one.

Use Multi-Factor Authentication

While it’s always a good idea to set up some type of two-factor authentication or multi-factor authentication, doing so can be especially helpful in preventing hackers from accessing your accounts. If you’re using an app that requires a password before allowing access, make sure not to use your primary password for these apps as well! Instead, create unique ones for each account so even if someone manages to steal that information by guessing correctly on one of them (or having their

Use a Password Generator

Using a password generator is an excellent way to ensure your online security. There are many different options available that can be used on various platforms such as Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, and even Android devices! You should definitely try them out if you’re looking for something new.

Use a Password Manager

The last thing you want to happen is for someone else to be able to access all of your personal information and passwords. If this does happen, it can be very difficult for them not only to gain access but also to find out who has been using that particular account. A strong password manager will ensure that only authorized users have access to your sensitive data.

How to be ready for the next cyberattack on a telecom network

Cyberthreats constantly evolve, so it’s essential to understand the threat landscape.

Data security is critical for every organization in this age of cybercrime. It’s imperative that you know how to protect your data from hackers and other nefarious parties.

Companies must also protect their networks from attack and ensure that they have a response plan in place if and when an attack occurs.

In addition to data security, companies should be aware of the vulnerabilities associated with their people, business practices, customer base, supply chain and all other factors that could expose them to malicious activity online or through traditional channels like phone calls or snail mail.

Ready To Protect Your Data?

Cyberattacks are a growing threat, and telecom providers are vulnerable. We’ve seen how they can affect other industries, but the stakes are even higher when these attacks happen in telecommunications. A major disruption of service could lead to chaos and loss of life in many places across the globe, so it’s critical that telecom providers take action now before it’s too late.

Talk to our Cybersecurity consultants to see how we can improve the way you deal with the latest threats.