ITDR - Identity Threat Detection and Response

Your identities serve as the first line of defense for protecting your business’s information assets. Our approach to securing all access points to your protected data uses cutting-edge Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) processes and services, ensuring your organization remains proactive and compliant with evolving regulatory requirements.

Protect Your People, Your Business, and Your Future.

With over 20 years of experience helping small businesses and large enterprises, DNSnetworks will help you enhance security and operational integrity. One of our missions is to raise cybersecurity awareness and provide solutions to protect critical data from falling into the wrong hands. Consult with our specialists to prepare your business for the emerging digital age, where unprecedented cyber threats are on the rise. Connect with us to explore how ITDR solutions can be integrated into your operations.

proactive security

Stay Safe in Your Digital Ecosystem.

Streamline access control with cloud-based identity security by incorporating the Zero Trust model and automated detection and response to network behavior anomalies. Uphold strict rules and protocols for user passwords and access to ensure compliance with your industry’s regulatory standards and best practices.

Minimize Risk

Reduce the risk of data breaches and insider threats by utilizing detection and response technology that employs machine learning and advanced algorithms to pinpoint anomalies and predict attacks before they occur. Security teams and organizations can leverage ITDR systems to continuously monitor, identify, and mitigate threats before they cause significant damage.

Zero Trust

Implement ITDR on the foundation of the Zero Trust model: never trust, always verify, whether it’s human or machine access permissions.

Rapid Threat Identification

ITDR software provides deeper visibility into network activity, helping to address blind spots that the human eye might miss. It can detect threats much faster, reduce potential false positives, and ultimately save time and resources.


Leverage ITDR logs and reports on identity-related activities, user behaviors, and security incidents to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements. ITDR enforces policies and controls that align with local and regional standards, helping protect organizations from financial losses due to fines or reputational damage.

Data Collection

The ITDR system collects various types of data, including user activities, access logs, and system interactions. The next step is to contextualize and prepare this data for advanced analytics by distinguishing between critical and non-critical information. This process is essential for establishing a baseline of normal behaviour, which the system uses to analyze dynamic activities across the network, devices, and applications.

Behavioral Analysis

Automated systems collect and analyze data to visualize patterns and identify deviations from normal behavior. Using advanced algorithms and machine learning models, these systems detect anomalies and suspicious activities, helping to identify potential threats. These systems improve their accuracy over time by continuously monitoring and adapting to new data.

Threat Detection

Based on the behavioral analysis, the system notifies security teams of potential threats or security incidents. Threat detection tools leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze data faster than security operations staff alone. These tools help your staff enhance their ability to identify and respond to identity-related threats.

Incident Response

As security personnel become aware of a trigger, ITDR systems initiate rapid automated response actions, such as revoking access, requiring additional authentication, or isolating affected accounts. The system also generates alerts for security teams to investigate further. Automating these initial response steps help minimize potential damage and allow security teams to focus on more complex investigation and remediation tasks.

Remediation and Recovery

Following threat containment, the automation actions continue with remediation efforts to address and resolve any underlying issues. Some examples include restoring affected systems, reviewing, and adjusting access controls, and applying security patches.

Reporting and Compliance

The stages of ITDR enhance cyber security strategies and provide critical insight into reinforcing operation cohesiveness. Embrace advanced algorithms in artificial intelligence and machine learning systems to support your IT security teams and position your business for a resilient future.

Proactive Preparation to Prevent Threats and Prosper

Common Challenge

Cyber criminals continually evolve their methods to obtain access to identity-based information, increasingly targeting personally identifiable information (PII). As malicious actors use sophisticated techniques to exploit unsuspecting users and access corporate data, both organizations and individuals must improve their ability to identify security risks. Adopting identity threat detection and response (ITDR) adds an essential layer of protection by passively monitoring user access behavior for anomalies and recognizing threat actors. 

Our Solution

Promote awareness throughout your organization and ensure that everyone, at all levels, has the tools and ability to adopt IT security best practices. Prepare your business and people to stay vigilant and proactively protect data, access, and identity as attacks become increasingly sophisticated. Foster a cyber-aware culture by implementing preventative strategies and protocols to safeguard the integrity of your company’s information assets. Meet with us to learn how adopting ITDR security solutions can position your business for greater success. 

Let's work together.

Our experts will guide you through the complex world of technology and cybersecurity.